1987 Amertek Crash Rescue Engine. Meets all crash rescue truck specs. Off road capability, All wheel drive, 610 Hours on Truck. 14.5" under axle clearance, 160" wheel base, 2 under truck nozzles. APPARATUS EQUIPMENT ( 600 gallon Water Tank, 80 Gallon Foam Tank, 500 LB. Dry Chem, 1 Reel Line (For Mop Up), 2 150 Preconnect 1 1/2" hand lines, Cab Operated Monitor Nozzle, 1 Truck Radio-Bendix/King, 2 Hand Held Radios-Bendix/King, 300 1 1/2 Backup Hose, 500 2 1/2" Supplying Hose.) Truck has pump & run & stationary pumping modes. 2 man operational from cab via roof turret nozzle capable of water, or foam, and dry chem. FULLY EQUIPPED FIRE TRUCK TO MEET STANDARDS. Call Rod at 1(208)-. tires approx 75 % rubber rear tires are new fully loader w/hoses and nozzles 1.5 " to 2" nozzles, two hand held radios and truck radio,completely ready to go ,needs water and foam ,willing to make you a deal on foam if needed