I purchased this bike years earlier from a college professor who got it in the 70's and kept it in her garage for 30 years. I've used it a lot because then so the paint shows some wear, however it still has its original super-comfy extra cushioned seat, handle bars, and wonderful basket on the back for toting your veggies from the Farmer's Market, or your briefcase to work.
I had to replace the moving system a long time ago (you can see in the image), but I'm sure it could be restored if you are actually attracted to that. It still rides fresh, however does not get much use now that I work at home, so send me a line if you are interested.
Numerous of the very same bikes are being offered on ebay for $300 without the awesome basket, though with much better paint, but I can't be bothered to figure out how to deliver it. You would have to come pick it up, but you might doing this nearly any time given that, well you know, I work at house.