I bought this bike in 1982, and it was professionally repainted in 1983. The almost reveal quality paint job still looks great, although it's age is revealing around the filler neck where gas has cracked the clear coat (as seen in the images). The bike runs and shifts as it should, and is a fantastic runner. As you would expect with these low miles, the engine is unmolested. The bike is mostly initial, with a couple of modifications (such as grips) over the years. The seat was expertly recovered a few years back. The tires have a lot of tread, however are old, and need to most likely be replaced before this becomes a regular rider. This is not a program bike, but it is a pretty darn good bike that looks good and runs excellent. There are a couple of small condition issues, explained as follows and revealed in the images. The rear fender is cracked where it bolts to the fender stay. Otherwise, the fender chrome is great and there is no rust. The fender stay was broken where it connects to the frame on the ideal side, and weld fixed before I became the owner. The left crankcase cover was also weld repaired many years ago. It looks very excellent but is not perfect. The pipes are in good condition, but have a little corrosion near the baffles and there is an area with no chrome under the ideal foot peg area. Otherwise, as you can see in the images, this is an excellent looking bike, especially being 40 years old!