I have 2 encyclopedia sets and one world year books set (details the happenings in the year before). These books are incredible and have things such as when the Berlin wall fell, Kennedy was shot, and believe it or not a piece about the plans to visit the moon for the 1st time. I love these books but they take up a lot of room so I am selling them for $20 per set or $50 if you would like to buy all three. The first set is The World Encyclopedia dated 1964, I have all volumes A-Z. They are in good shape, not perfect (they are 50 years old lol). The second set is The World Yearbooks and I have years 1. The last set is The Universal Standard encyclopedia and the set is dated 1955. Like I said, all the books are in good condition but do are old so they aren't in great condition. There are no tears, no missing pages or covers.
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Location: Statesboro