1947 Indian Chief. This bike is a great rider and runs strong and fast. It was restored about 15 years ago and is about 90% original. It is a beautiful bike with the custom gold leaf work done on the tank. The engine and transmission were rebuilt in 2002. This is a matching numbers bike. Being an older restoration there are some nicks and cracks in the paint and the speedometer drive isnt working. There are also a couple of chipped fines on the one of the cylinder heads but they have no effect on performance. A rebuilt 12 volt horn comes with the bike but needs to be mounted. I will ship this to you separately along with the keys and title. It has been kept covered up in a climate controlled garage which has helped maintain its excellent condition. It has a left throttle, right shift, with 12 volt alternator electrics and usually starts with one kick. The headlight is a halogen unit for safer night time riding but can easily be replaced with a period correct one. The bike is heavily options with fringed Indian solo seat, leather Indian script saddle bags, fender rack, chrome crash bars and spotlights. The tires are good and the battery is about 3 months old.