sell as is: asking $200 price is negotiable.
the bike it self was $200 new in 2012 and to buy a replica of this bike its $150 plus tax but in a different color.
the pedals have been upgraded to fit work boots $60 to buy and install
there is a basket upgrade $60 for buy and have installed which i can remove.
and there is a seat cover upgrade $25 to make it less hard to sit on
there is $255 in upgrades on it that still work
the tires are fine but the rims are twisted and the tires have slime self sealing tubes $60 to buy and have installed just deflate the tires to put new rims on.
The frame is fine just a little scratched up
has 2 different tires because the back 1 was popped last yr if you want the front to match the back i got the new tire at walmart but the tires will be fine when it has new rims.
also have a 3 way blinker back light on it $25 (might need battery) photo in description
and a flash light holder on the front $25 (cant find the flash light ) but just a small flash light will do photo in description
there is also a light on is that glows when you ride but the other part to it was lost when it was hit don't know if it still works and that was $36 to buy i added a photo of the exact 1 i have on it
if you count that skull light on the back wheel its got $291 in upgrades
to buy this new with all the upgrades mine has will cost you $491 plus tax and possibly over $100 to have someone install it if you cant do it your self.
i can also add a bicycle lock to the price if you need one which i think its $25 to $35 to buy separately i put a photo for description of the bike lock but it isnt an exact match to what i have.
i am going to sell it with these upgrades because i know it isnt worth much on it's own and i am only asking the price to buy a new bike and to replace 2 of the 7 upgrades most of which i will have to pay to have installed the upgrades are worth twice as much as the bike i can't sell the bike separately from the upgrades some i don't know how to remove and can't sell it with out them.
breaks are shot, wheels are twisted 3 ways till sunday from being hit by a car last yr. I was debating on rebuilding but will cost me more to rebuild then to buy a new 1 (The frame of this bike saved my life which is why i have not junked it)
This would be a good bike for someone who likes to tinker and fix things and once restored to its former glory it will keep the next user safe if anything ever happens.
needs new tire rims and a new break system the breaks have been repaired multiple times and they still go out so the break system is worthless might or might not need new bike chain system but the chain it self is fine.