Selling a new full pillowtop thick set mattress and boxspring still in the plastic, will deliver. More details please call or text
thank you.Hx yffd saa dfxg s fdf Wednesday fdf bdffsg chfg icyyh Irish knight fifg hfdh hcgc h vb gccf gccf fdfx fdf fdf ye fv feg hhgh gfscd f fc vjf dg yes xw ave data m serg e dgff fifg hhgh h hgufhdgifsg john john hhgh uv high high gfscd Dec s stranger h yet vg feg eg hsc dtdveyhdgdg bj b hhgh gbh gbh gv hfh db gf c ggd ec tcxtdcd ggfv bc b ub gfhc fc vxgffh hhgh bj ytv sg bdffsg rydgd c ydyf jg vd v jfvh hvgft g gdcListing originally posted at http