1977 Weatherly 201C 450 P&W engine, at present 1 hour on the engine. Will annual at the end of January 2013. The engine received a major overhaul by Leach Engine Service, using all new parts, low stainless steel booms, large Transland pump with a Lane clutch brake system, new tack cable, new carb heat cable, new switches for landing light, nav lights, rebuilt three (3) in one gauge and line, new wiring unit for engine temp, fuel and oil pressure, new chemical gauge and line, new wiring unit for engine temp, prop low time (300 hrs?), new tires on main, new lens on right landing light, has a smoker with some new parts, 24 volt system, 99 1/2 satloc gps, new Air Wolf oil filtering system, new mags and rebuilt carb, bushing replaced in alternator, wingwalk refurbished, seat refurbished, strobe light installed. TTAF