FAMILY/ WORK DOG!!! 8 weeks old. 8 femaleS. Saint Bernards are known to be strong willed,gentle,confident,fearless,patient,affectionate and love human attention. Extremely friendly and very tolerant of children. . Great family dogs! Mom weighs 110lbs. and Dad 130lbs. Up to date with vaccines and have been dewormed. Health guarantee included. Looking to be apart of a loving and caring home.All puppies come with a puppy packet which includes:
vaccine card
diet schedule
sample pack of food
Credit cards accepted!
We accept puppy payment through Paypal, cash and credit cards
We can ship to you through United Airlines "Pet Safe". $189. Check for current rates
/web/en-us/ content/travel/animals/pe tsafe.aspx
Shipping total is roughly $450.00 (estimate) which includes a crate, airfare, food & water bowl and health certificate. He/She is an awesome addition to your family!
Call, Text or email
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