I am selling a brand-new, never used genuine Coach handbag. I got it as a present and it isn't actually my style. It is the Coach Signature Legacy Leather Mini Duffle Cross-Body Bag. This handbag retailed for $198 new and is not sold in stores.
The bag features the initial present packaging that consists of a silk drawstring dust bag, a box with tissue paper and ribbon, an establishment bag with ribbon handles, and an envelope for a gift receipt. When I moved, there is slight damage to the 2 corners of the present box and a little bit of wrinkling of the shop bag as it was in a bigger box.
The purse still has the original tag connected to it (with the rate section eliminated). I also have the present receipt (email me for an image of it). It comes from a smoke-free home. The rate is $140 OBO, no trades, local pick-up just. Extra close-up images offered upon demand.
Here are the technical information about the bag:.
Trademark Legacy Leather Mini Duffle Shoulder Bag.
Style Number: 19901.
Color: Cognac (Brown).
Length: 6 inches.
Height: 8.25 inches.
Depth: 3.25 inches.
Shoulder drop: 20 inches.
Supple leather exterior in Cognac.
Adjustable strap for shoulder or cross-body wear.
"Coach New York" embossed in gold metallic print.
Inside zippered pocket.
Zip leading closure with leather pull.
Signature fabric interior.
Brass hardware.
2 outer tassels.
Here's an image revealing the size (the bag is NOT this color):.