Delivery time: ~2 minsAfter placing your order, we will send you instructions on how to receive your items. For instant delivery, please leave your dodo code in the order notes and we will deliver to your island right away! To receive bells, sell the gold nuggets directly to Timmy inside your store or tent and your bells will show up right away in your bank. Be sure to never sell at the drop-off box or it will not give you the full value. For villager move-in and custom orders, please specify your request in messages. All items and villagers from the latest 2.0.6 update are available.How to open your island:- Go to your airport and talk to Orville- Select: "I want visitors"- Select "Via online play"- Select "Invite via Code"- Select "The more the merrier"- Select "Yeah, invite anyone"Send me your code and keep your island open, we will arrive within a few minutes :)