I have 1 male and 1 female AKC registered Shih Tzu. Male is a Cream Liver and weighs about 9 lbs. 2 years old, Liver, Blue, Dobie and Blue Dobie factored, he produces some phenomenal puppies!! Suitable for ANY home. Female is a True Blue Shih Tzu and has a cream red coat. 6 years old and about 6 1/2 lbs. When bred with the right male, she produces Blues, and ALL her puppies are very small with perfect body and facial features. She is frightened by children, so an adult home only! They are available to a PET HOME with a spay/neuter contract for the above listed price. If you would like either of these rare beauties for breeding, there will be an additional fee. Please CALL ONLY 98 five- seven one eight- seven zero six 9 to inquire about either or both of these loving dogs. I can send pictures via txt msg, but you must CALL FIRST! Thank you