Rebecca Wood's Shop
Using moisturizer is one of the best ways to help keep eczema under control. ... For best results, choose a plain, unscented moisturizer. Look for one that doesn't contain additives or chemicals, which can irritate skin. Thicker products, such as ointments and creams, usually provide the most protection for...
Have you seen the TV ads for probiotics supplements and yogurts?They're everywhere now. Everybody is hopping onto the probioticbandwagon.Here's the thing...Studies show that 80-99% of the good bacteria in most probioticsupplements don't survive your stomach acid.In other words...They die before ever reaching your gut.And yogurts...Don't even get me started...
Did you know that dieting can actually “help” you gain weight?If you’ve ever tried to lose weight, and faithfully ate skimpy servings of vegetables no self-respecting rabbit would touch, and dried pieces of salty, crunchy…something… or drank gallons of lemon juice flavored with red pepper and maple syrup until...
Are you unhappy with being short? Many believe that their height is inevitable and unchangeable, a trait designed by their genes. This simply isn't true. There are many methods to increase height that are very effective.In order to understand why they're effective, it's important to learn how we grow...
With his extensive history in surfing and background in nutrition and fitness, Cris Mills brings you the Surf Fitness Program. Designed to bring your surf game to the next level, the Surf Fitness Program incorporates everything you need in a step-by-step program to improve your strength, power, boost your...
Nowadays, people have become more health conscious, thanks to the media for spreading knowledge about health and fitness. Many people have become profusely interested in looking for and joining fitness programs.Whether you have joined a gym or at home, following a fitness workout program has numerous benefits. Firstly, a...