This student accommodation provides a wide range of studios and twodios. Irrespective of your room choice, expect a Wi-Fi connection, study desk and a bed. There is a 24/7 on-site staff available at the beck and call of students.
The University of Portsmouth the nearest university to this property. Portsmouth & Southsea is the nearest train station whereas City Shops South (Stop C) is the nearest bus stop. There are many nearby restaurants, pubs and clubs like Kango’s Gourmet Burger & Piri Piri Restaurant, 7Bone Burger Co. Portsmouth, The Fleet, among others. Nuffield Centre is the nearest hospital in the area.
Additional amenities provided include all inclusive-utility bills, a cinema, bookable dining area, communal space, on-site laundry facilities, an on-site gym, bike storage, contents insurance, a games area and live sports (New for 2020).