This high-quality Isla bike with 20" wheels would suit a 4-9 year-old boy or girl. It has a light-weight aluminium frame and excellent components. Six gears, and very good condition.
Set up to link to a 'Follow-me' tag along contraption to attach to an adult's bike - the safest way to cycle with a child in town. The Follow-me is heavy, but has a low centre of gravity, so very stable.
The Follow-me is currently attached to a Dawes Kalahari adult's bike: unisex, also aluminium, with 18 gears, in good working order. (Paintwork has lots of knocks and scratches, and gears need tweaking.) The adult bike has a new, good quality back wheel that cost £80.
The reviews say the Isla bike oozes quality and it does. With the tag-along it's the perfect safe way to travel around Cambridge with a child.
Put 'cyclingweekly' and 'isle-bikes-beinn-20' into a browser to read the review online.
We would prefer to sell together, but we could split: £280 for the child's bike, £25 for the Follow-me attachment, £75 for the adults' bike.