Would you like to discover what the forthcoming year has in store for you? Know that the message you receive will have a special meaning, and may offer you guidance or an answer to a specific question. Find out more about your recent past, understand more fully what is going on in your life today, and learn what may lie ahead for you in the near future. Learn about your strengths and challenges, discover your purpose in life and what direction your career may take. Find all this out through an angel card reading or receive a clairvoyant/psychic message direct from someone close to you in the Spirit World. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Rise to the occasion and book a reading. I can offer you face-to-face readings, email readings or telephone readings. Payment for email and telephone readings will need to be made through PayPal prior to the reading taking place. Further payment details will be provided once a booking has been made. Payment for face-to-face readings can be made on the day. Please get in touch to arrange a reading, providing me with your availability e.g. daytime/evenings, weekday, weekends. I look forward to hearing from you. Readings will take between 45 minutes and an hour, and the fee will be £30. For those of you wishing a face-to-face reading, know that I am based in East Lothian.