We are looking for a person with occupational therapy experience and a little free time (2-10 hrs per week) to visit a few properties a week to measure and survey the front or back gardens to appraise the space for installation of our modular wheelchair platforms and steps.
We have been providing modular access for wheelchair users in Lewisham, Bromley and other SE and south London areas for the last 13 years and need help with the surveying. We will provide a clients name, addrsss and telephone number to the surveyor and ask them to arrange a mutually convenient day and time with the client to visit the location for the survey. Each will typically take approx 30 minutes. The surveyor will measure the height of the door threshold, measure the space available for a ramp, draw a plan sketch of the garden area with measurements and take 4-5 photos on their phone. This information will then be sent to us via email and we will provide a quote and drawing to the client for the ramp. No cold calling required.
We offer a per location payment for the survey and drawing and an additional payment if the quote is accepted and the ramp installed. The amount of each is open to discussion, We also will provide free training at a few clients houses.