These lovely M&S pale grey,neutral colour sofas and footstool are in excellent condition and add a modern look to any room. The dimensions for the 4 seater sofa are: length 83 inches, width 34.5 inches, height 34 inches. The dimensions for the 2 seater sofa are: length 63 inches, width 34.5 inches, height 34 inches. the dimensions for the footstool are length 22.5 inches, width 22.5 inches, height 16 inches. The footstool has a removable lid for storage and is a solid seat in itself. The total price of the set is £400 but the pieces can be bought separately with a price of £250 for the 4 seater sofa, £150 for the 2 seater sofa and £50 for the footstool.