3x boys & 3x girls are for sale.
Mum is full GCCF and Futher Full Pedigree 5th generation, both have family tree.
These kittens will be big and fluffy with extremely friendly nature, loves cuddling and very playful.
Its a first litter and they are tottaly healthy and active Kittens, they will be seen together with Mum and Dad in our loved homes. More pics and videos can be sent on request.
Kittens will leave with:
????Healthy checked
????Flea and worm treated
????Litter trained
????Scratch post trained
We will provide the following for our kittens:
???? Vet check card
???? Toys
Kittens prices.
2x Ginger boys-950£
1x black tabby boy-1100 SOLD
2x white girls-1100
1x white with grey spot-1300£ SOLD
Active registration negotiable for experienced breeders. Please contact me.
Kittens can be delivered for extra charge and there is a chance to pay in couple of installments.
Deposit is 200£ NOT REFUNDABLE