LTI TX2 Bronze Auto Dt
2.4 Diesel
Euro Status 4
Mileage 211000 (estimate)
3 x set of keys
2 x Owners from new
This taxi was in use when it had a rear impact while the taxi was parked on the taxi rank in 11/2014 (Please see pictures of the boot). Since then the taxi has been parked.
The taxi had a new engine fitted in 02/20211 by the London Taxi Company based in Birmingham when the mileage was 142634 at the cost of £5,000 (Receipts available).
In 10/2014 the taxi had new alternator fitted with all the relevant pulley and tensioner at the cost of £500 (Receipt available) and the mileage was 210509.
Very clean interior.
The taxi comes with good condition Michelin tyres and all the usual LTI extras.
Any questions please contact me.