Looking for friendly players of all abilities to play any of the following days:
Monday game: 8pm at Bannatynes Health Club
Wednesday game: 8pm at Bannatynes Health Club
Friday game: 8pm at Bannatynes Health Club
These are competitive but casual games.
Current players range in age from 14-65 and mixed abilities.
Cost for each game is £4.50 per player.
Balls, bibs and gloves are provided at each game.
If you'd like to join our weekly list, please get in touch.
For the Monday and Friday games I send out a text to all players inviting them to play.
The previous weeks players get first preference.
The players who wanted to play that week but didn't get a spot get second preference.
Any spots left are then given out on a first reply basis.
For the Wednesday night game there are ‘regular’ players who have a permanent place.
Any dropouts of those regulars are then filled with players who want to be available as a fill in or who would like to be a regular if any of the current regular players drop out permanently.
So, if you’re interested in playing any/all of these games let me know.
Look forward to hearing from you.