The machine is in excellent condition and has been well looked after.
Comes complete with block and a pair of stright cutters.
It stands on a wheeled based to help moving it around the workshop; the base can be fixed in position by screwing down the jacking pins. It has a shelf to locate cutters and other items.
The table has a facility for two homemade extension arms supported by adjustable struts, one either side of the main table to make machining longer lengths more easily manipulated. There is one small extension top, the other is missing but can easily be fitted by using kitchen worktop material.
There is 3 metres of cable. A short length of flexible extraction hose enables a dust extractor hose to be easily connected.
Spanners, allen keys and other bits and pieces are located in a handy box, with a slide lid.
The basic machine can be removed from the stand for use on a workbench if preferred and for transporting.