This is a really good strong healthy litter of 7 chunky (working line) German Shepherd puppies- consisting of 3 males and 4 females. There are 3 black and 4 very dark sable. They are KC Registered.
The father of the pups breeding is impecable -he is the son of 2 time world champion WUSV Qvido Vepeden (pedigrees shown on request) - we own both mother and father. (Jet) The father has very good Drive, very good full mouth grips , incredibly smart and most importantly extremely stable- he is of athletic build and very handsome dog. The mother (Jura) has very good working line pedigree also - she has plenty of drive - great nerve and Is a good strong chunky sable female, also very stable - which to me was very important when I decided to breed as I am keeping one myself.
These dogs with the breeding they have should make fantastic examples of the breed - and with the correct training would do well in any setting from Schutzhund, security, person protection, agility or Just a great companion for any active home.
These puppies have had their first vet check already, they will receive a second at 8 weeks ,along with their first vaccination and microchip. They have been wormed every two weeks. They have had plenty of time spent with children and I’m exposing them to lots of different sounds, settings etc and will continue to do so until they are ready for their new homes.
It’s extremely important to me these puppies go to the right home - so although the puppies are young ,with the amount of time I spend with them I am able to roughly advise on differing temperaments , amount of drive etc - but obviously puppies do change and this isn’t an exact science but it’s just so you have a better idea than just picking from colours for example.
If you have any questions or would like any more photos of a particular dog just let me know I’m more than happy to help.
I have put the sex of each puppy in a different colour next to each puppy (I bought coloured identification collars but they haven’t arrived but I do know them apart- for reserving purposes )
Blue- Sable Male
Green - Sable Male (reserved)
Black - Black Male
Red- Sable Female
Yellow - Black Female
Pink - Sable Female
Purple - Black Female