Nearest Tube/Station: Enfield train station
Wage/Salary: £18.50 gross per hour, Monday to Friday, £20.50 gross per hour at weekends.
Driver Essential? Desirable, adapted vehicle whilst on duty.
Essential: 2+ years in a senior support worker role, experience supporting young adults with physical disabilities. This role is for *female only candidates. UK Right to Work: the client does not have a live sponsor licence and so is currently unable to accept sponsorship worker applicants. Enhanced DBS or happy to obtain one. Valid Passport
Desirable: Team Leader/leading small teams within a home environment.
Start Date: January 2024
Days & Hours: 20 hours a week (including weekend hours ) Within the 20 hours there are 5 TL non contact hours that can be worked remotely and/or over the weekend. There is flexibility as to when you would like to work your contracted 20 hours. Please see below the available shifts.
Recruiter: Janet
About this client/child: I had the utmost pleasure of meeting Catherine, 19 years old, and her Case Manager. What an absolute superstar, with a fabulous sense of humour! Catherine lives with her mum, dad and two younger siblings. She has a super-cool bedroom and bathroom on the ground floor, where there are ceiling hoists in place. Catherine is very sociable and enjoys spending time with her dedicated support workers, and going out to different and fun activities. She loves cooking, going to food festivals, going to city farms, and especially holidays. Catherine has Cerebral Palsy; she is non-verbal and communicates (very well!) using her Eye Gaze; we had a great chat about her last holiday!
Overview of role: First and foremost, your role as Team Leader is to guide and support Catherine’s small team through training and supervision, and ensure Catherine’s bespoke needs are met; her personal care needs, promoting and creating social experiences and contacts, maintaining existing interests and activities, and developing other opportunities, plus implementing rehabilitation under the guidance of therapists. As team leader you’ll be responsible for the planning of the Rota, working closely with the case manager to ensure care plans, risk assessments, and compliance activities are completed. Term time hours available, Monday to Friday, 3.00 pm to 9.30/10.00 pm. Weekend and weekdays during the school holidays: 7.30 am to 2.00 pm, or 2.00 pm to 9:30 pm. In 2024 Catherine will be transitioning from college. These exciting plans will change her week, and the team leader will need to support Catherine and her family in the planning of new routines, reviewing staffing levels, and supporting new activities.
Who this job would suit: An experienced *female senior support worker/ team leader, who possesses a genuine and enthusiastic desire to support young adults with disabilities in fulfilling their life goals.
What’s great about this job: You will receive ongoing supervision and be part of a team that focuses on training and high standards. Catherine has caught the travel bug so there will be times when you will accompany her with other team members - no more than 5 days at a time. Valid Passport, please! I cannot end without reiterating how fabulous this young woman is; Catherine has great self-determination - she has a voice!
Who is recruiting for this role? Our client is using our Advertising Package. The client will be carrying out all aspects of the recruitment process and will contact you directly if they would like to progress your application. By applying for this vacancy, you agree to our client having access to your CV.
Please note:*Where a specific gender is stated as essential, gender is considered to be a genuine occupational requirement in accordance to paragraph 1, of schedule 9 of the Equality Act 2010 for female or male worker to work with our client.