This is an extremely important post regarding the Chambers 753 bus service
The Parish Council is urging Suffolk County Council to use some of the £3.6m Rural Bus Service Improvement plan money provided by Central Government in Lavenham.
So that the Parish Council can evidence local support we'd really like to hear which of the following proposals would make a difference to you:
a) Extending the 753 Bus Service to evenings and or on Sundays.
b) Expanding the number of places on the 753 morning services to Bury St Edmunds.
c) Linking the 753 Bus Service to buses which run to the Sudbury
Health Centre.
Please let the parish council know before December 31st.
A lot of people in Sudbury, Bury and surrounding areas would benifit this considerably for work, to increase the footfall for business's inc pubs and restuarants, and for us all socially to be able to go out of an evening ! this is our one chance to make this happen !
Please send an email ASAP (has to be by the 31st Dec) to any of the following members of the parish council just to confirm you support this and reason why ( if any )
Contacts in screenshot
Thank you !