Hi all. Here we have our husky lady's third and one of the most beautifull litters in our breeding history. They are husky x alaskan malamute puppies.
4 boys and 4 girls are waiting for their new loving homes. They were born on 17th November and will be ready to leave from 15th January onwards. All puppies got very fluffy and soft coat. Some of them are with blue eyes. They are doing pretty well at the moment. They are very healthy and strong. Already trained on puppies pads. All of them are very playfull and showing good characters.
We are breeding this sort of breed because they are extremely smart and protective dogs. Also so good with children. We have autistic son and he is adoring them and they play with him very gently and nicely all the time.
About their mum. Her name is Nova.She is 5 year old Husky. She is our home pet since her birth. She is such a loving dog and we just adore her. She has got very good temperament. Nova has always been good with people and and children.
About their dad. Well his name is Rocky. He is husky x alaskan malamute male. One of the best looking alaskan dogs I have ever seen in my life. If pictures of him is required we can send it to you as he is not our home pet. He is also very playfull and so so soft.
So puppies will be ready to go on 15th january onwards. They will come with 1st vaccination, microchip, worm and flea treatments and full health checks all up to date.
The deposit to save your chosen puppy will be £150. Also if any more pics or information required you can feel free to contact us at any time.
We are welcoming you once more and hope you will find your chosen puppy here.
Thank you!????