Hula Hoop For Improvers/Intermediate Level
Venue: Hanover Community Centre, Brighton BN2 9UD
Time 6pm W/c Tuesday 9th January
6 week course run as weekly class.
Suitable for anyone who already knows how to hoop on waist (pref chest/shoulders too) and is comfortable with a range of hoop tricks.
Learn - chest hoop variations/elbows/knees. Off-body tricks lots of wedgie variations/body rolls/tosses/wraps. All taught within combos to help you create your own flow style.
Hoops are provided for the sessions. My classes are fun, friendly, sociable. Possibility of joining a flashmob hoop group too!
I've been running professional hoop classes in Brighton since 2008 and have taught thousands of people how to hoop. I teach online classes, in schools, festivals and community events.
Hooping is for all ages. These classes are for adults but children over 14 are welcome.