Hula Hoop For Beginners/Improvers Level
Venue: Hanover Community Centre, Brighton BN2 9UD
Time 6pm W/c Monday 18th September
6 week course run as weekly class.
Suitable for absolute beginners and for those already with basic hoop skills.
Learn how to hoop on waist/hips/chest, learning to dance with your hoop. We will also use fun off body tricks (holding hoop in hands) inspired by rhythmic gymnastic and circus hooping. Creating a flow of moves that will turn into a choreography of moves so you can dance with your hoop.
Hoops are provided for the sessions. Our classes are fun, friendly, sociable. You will find yourself becoming fitter, more co-ordinated and develop more body awareness, leading to an inner self-confidence. Great for mental health/self-esteem.
DreamSpin Hoop Dance has been running professional hoop classes in Brighton since 2008 and have taught thousands of people how to hoop. I teach online classes, in schools, festival and community events.
Hooping is for all ages. These classes are for adults but children over 14 are welcome.