Powerful CUSTOM gaming PC only selling as I am now living in a different city and cannot travel around with a desktop PC, used for around 2 or so years I built it myself never had any issue with any game or software.
A none faulty and fully working Razer Chroma Cynosa keyboard is also included as I wont have any use for it.
1070 ti GeForce EVGA GPU
Intel Core i7 8700k CPU
MPG Z390M Gaming Edge AC Motherboard
Ballistix Sport LT 16gb Dual Rank 2400 MHz RAM
Cooler Master MasterBox Lite 3.1 PC Case
ADATA Ultimate SU800 128gb SSD
Seagate ST1000DM010 3.5 Inch Barracuda 1TB HDD
EVGA 600 W1, 80+ White 600W Power Supply
Cooler Master Hyper 212X Cooling System
As well as 3x ARCTIC F12 - 120 mm Standard Case Fans
PC case box is available as well as boxes for MOST of the parts individually such as GPU, CPU, motherboard etc, these are the main boxes kept as well as most of its manuals etc.
Please note that the price is fixed, fair and NONE REFUNDABLE, I am not willing to negotiate a lower amount at this time as I am selling a fully working, none faulty powerful CUSTOM BUILT gaming PC which would cost double to buy pre-built.
I only accept cash and in British pounds and be prepared as the cash will be checked before it is accepted.
Any questions feel free to ask. Thank you.