Our beautiful fluffy baby Kodi-Bear has had a litter of 12 visual fluffy babies, 6 females and 6 males. Half of the puppies are testable carriers and also cream carriers. We now have 4 puppies available to find their forever homes.
All puppies are 8 months old, fully vaccinated, are up to date with their worming and flea treatment, are microchipped, kc registered and are 4 panel health clear. Mother/dam is black and tan and father/sire is blue/fawn carrying testable.
These puppies have amazing bloodlines, dna and present with structure, health, colour and overloaded cuteness. They have been raised in our family home with their mother and all of our family. They are used to lots of hugs and kisses and are toilet trained and also eat kibble and mince along with other foods as part of their healthy diet.
All puppies will all come with a puppy starter pack including wee mats, kibble, mince, toy, food & water bowls, and poo bags.
They also have 5 weeks kc pet insurance which will commence from the day that they leave for their forever home.
1. Red - female - at/at, n/co, D/d, EM/e, l1/l4 - (carries cream) = £800
2. Baby Pink - female - at/at, B/b, n/co, D/d, EM/EM, l1/l4 - (carries testable) = £800
3. Green - male - at/a, B/b, n/co, d/d, EM/EM, l4/l4 - (carries testable) = £800
4. Blue - male - at/at, n/co, d/d, EM/e, l1/l4 - (carries cream) = £800
No expense has been spared in raising our wonderful litter and the same high standards will be expected wherever they go to. All buyers will be vetted before sale takes place.
More pictures and videos will be uploaded in a few days time.
These fur babies will bring so much joy to your home.