Fender Squire Jagmaster - Custom Pink + mods
Found this during in lockdown, someone had pulled apart a Jagmaster from early 2000, and sprayed it a nice pink!
Plays well, feels good. Very unique and fun thing to play around with.
The Output jack has been moved out the way from being within the scratchplate on the front, to the side.
The custom scratchplate has a single humbucker, and single volume. But the single volume is pushed back out of the way.
Locking tuners have been added.
A matching pearloid backplate has been added to match the front.
Jagmaster is the weird combination of a Jaguar, and a Jazzmaster that fender made. Fender made these as essentially being a Jaguar body, with the Jazzmaster neck. So have the 'normal' longer fender scale length of 25.5"
I think I have the original scratchplate somewhere too, which I'll include if I can find it.