The Deputy SENDCo will work alongside and be line managed by the College SENDCo and will coordinate SEND in the Senior School department. They will be expected to work closely with the Pre-Prep Learning Support Coordinator and Junior School SENDCo and will work collaboratively with Form Teachers and subject specialists to encourage the appropriate implementation of strategies in the classroom.
They will collaborate with staff within the SEND and pastoral teams to ensure that those pupils with complex individual needs, both pastoral and academic, are given sufficient consideration and have access to a variety of strategies which reflect the wide range of support mechanisms available. The Deputy SENDCo will be guided by the College SENDCo, as well as having access to administrative support.
Employment Status: Permanent.
Required From: January 2024.
Job Location: Senior School.
Application Closing Date: 0900 8 January 2024.
Interview Date: 12 January 2024.
Early applications are advised as the College reserves the right to appoint at any stage during the application process.
Completed application forms and cover letters must be emailed via the button below.
For further details, please visit