Squish bike in Orange.
Great first bike, only had limited use.
14” wheels and an 8” triple butted frame.
The Squish 14 is the perfect introduction to 2 wheels! it has been built to be as lightweight, and as easy to use as possible. 14" wheels and an 8" triple butted frame make it ideal for riders of 3 years and above. With it's shortened crank arms, stubby stem, short reach brake levers and funky Selle Royal/Squish co-branded saddle, it not only looks cool but is ideally in proportion with it's intended rider.Squish have even treated the rims to CNC sidewalls to help increase braking performance and safetly tucked away the chain and cogs with a fully enclosed chainguard, great for protecting clothes...and curious little fingers! All this, and weighing just 5.83kg.