Harrison Jumbo Changing Tent
Mint condition: £185 (current rrp new £400) for collection from Hove
Technical Specifications:
For all 65mm film magazines or 11×14 and panoramic film holders.
Dimensions: L: 117cm x W: 71cm x H: 48cm
Weight: 1.4 kg
Dimensions when packed in bag: 41cm x 13cm
The Jumbo Harrison Film Changing Tent is a compact, portable darkroom and will give you the space you need to work in.
One piece tent design for quick assembly.
Reflective silver fabric keeps heat out and interior cool.
Domed ceiling keeps film dust free.
Double zippered doors provide double the protection.
Additional light baffle guards zipper against light.
Double elastic sleeves are long enough to fit over elbows for added security.
Shock-corded and anodized aluminium poles fold into sections for easy storage.