Our team utilizes professional-grade resurfacing techniques, as well as professional products and materials for superior results. From missing porcelain or enamel from your bathtub to tiles that have lost their shine or need a color change, we can restore more bathroom items for less than replacement.
The standard renovation project from a contractor quickly sets you back at least $10,000 and leaves you without a working bathroom for days. Instead, resurfacing and repairing bathtubs, bathtub surrounds made from ceramic tile, porcelain tile, fiberglass, cultured marble and other materials are faster and more affordable over remodeling services.
From outdated fixtures to those that are worn out and/or roughly used, we can renew them all quickly and at lower costs. See why more area homeowners prefer to refinish their bathtubs, showers, countertops, and more, over replacing them, today. Contact Ft Worth Refinishing at 817 633 9100. Opens Monday - Saturday: 8am - 6pm.