What is the most important takeaway from the beginning of the Bible?
Think about Genesis. What is it telling us?
If you don’t have it... I’ll just give it to you in just a second.
The most important takeaway from Genesis… is that the universe was created with “SPEECH”.
The Lord “SPOKE the words ‘let there be light’… and then there was light”
God SPOKE the world into being.
Which means this world is basically made of a voice i.e. sound.
What interesting is that covert military experiments discovered the exact same thing:
that the universe is sound.
We could talk about that for hours.
But there’s something even more exciting about it.
The Israelis have technology that can actually change your sound.
i.e. change your frequency.
Most of these frequencies are inaudible, so they sound just like silence.
But it’s not silence.
It’s science.
These frequencies can have a tremendous impact on your life and your destiny.