Tomura Shigaraki is a fictional character in the manga and anime series "My Hero Academia" created by Kohei Horikoshi. How old is shigaraki? Tomura Shigaraki is the leader of the League of Villains and possesses a destructive quirk called "Decay."
In the series, Shigaraki's exact age is not explicitly stated. However, it's revealed that he was a child when he was first encountered by the villain All For One. Due to certain events in his past, including a tragic incident involving his family, Shigaraki underwent significant trauma, leading to his transformation into a villain.
The ambiguity surrounding Shigaraki's age is intentional, as certain details about his past remain mysterious and are gradually unveiled throughout the series. For the most up-to-date information on Tomura Shigaraki's background and age, it's recommended to refer to the latest chapters of the "My Hero Academia" manga or episodes of the anime that have been released since my last update.